Xibion offers the first treatment focused on volume and definition of buttocks and legs. This plan is ideal for people who wants to build and increase their muscle mass on the buttocks, without increasing adipose tissue. It is also ideal to help gain strength and to increase resistance while training. It includes a guide with a routine of functional stimuli, focused on buttocks and legs, with a 30 days challenge that you can work out in the comfort on your home and with immediate results from the beginning and visible on the 6th day.
Paso 1
Toma 1 capsula de power max 6 10 min. Antes de entrenar y 1 cápsula al medio día.
Paso 2
Toma un scoop 10 min. antes de entrenar.
Paso 3
Realiza tu rutina de ejercicios y descansa 1 minuto entre series.
Paso 4
Toma un servicio de whey protein. te recomendamos agregarle avena.
Paso 5
Alimentate 40-60 min. Después de la rutina de ejercicios.
Paso 6
Descansa 8 horas como mínimo así los músculos se reparan y crecen.